Warwick Police and Warminster Ambulance Paramedics Rescue 1 with a ladder placed to the second floor.
By Member
September 1, 2016

Warwick Fire Co. was dispatched to tactical box 66-18, Dwelling with possible entrapment by Bucks County Emergency Communications. The initial alarm at 02:22 called for TW66, R66, E93 & SQ93. Police on scene confirmed heavy smoke and fire with one person trapped hanging out a 2nd floor window.

Battalion 66 arrived on scene and confirmed heavy fire with entrapment and set up command asking for the assignment to be upgraded to a full box. Chief 93 arrived on scene and joined Battalion 66 in command. Police officers and medics from Warminster Ambulance grabbed ladders off a nearby pickup truck and placed it up to the 2nd floor window. Squirt 93 was 1st on scene and started deploying ground ladders as the trapped occupant was brought down by medics and police.

Coming in on the full box was L90, E90, E92, SS93 & R29 for RIT. Special call went out for an additional Engine & Ladder that being E95 & L79. E62 & E78 were brought in to assist with wrap up. Firefighters were on scene for several hours. The occupant was transported to the hospital and released. The fire is under investigation by FM276 & the Bucks County Fire Marshals office.